AddCollectionItem method


AddCollectionItem Proto hHandle:HANDLE, lpszString:LPSTR


Invoke AddCollectionItem, hHandle, lpszString


Adds a new item (string) to a collection.



Handle to the collection.


Pointer to the effective address of the null-terminated string to be added.

Return value

Eax/Rax returns the zero-based index of the added string in the collection.

REMARKS: If the collection was created with the bSorted parameter set to TRUE (see the
CreateCollection method) the string is inserted into the collection and the collection is sorted. Otherwise, the string is added to the end of the collection.

REMARKS: The AddCollectionItem method will add lpszString as a Unicode string if the application is running as Unicode, or as an ANSI string if not (see the IsAppUnicode method). You can call AddCollectionItemA to add ANSI strings, or AddCollectionItemW to add Unicode strings.