ReadTextLine method


ReadTextLine Proto hHandle:HANDLE, lpszBuffer:LPSTR


Invoke ReadTextLine, hHandle, lpszBuffer


Reads a line of text from an open file.



Open handle to a text file (returned by the OpenTextFile method).


Pointer to the effective address of a buffer to receive the text line. It can be NULL for getting the line length (in bytes).

Return values

If the file could not be read, Eax/Rax returns -1.

If lpszBuffer is the effective address of a buffer, Eax/Rax returns TRUE if the line has been read, or FALSE if the End Of File (EOF) has been reached.

If lpszBuffer is NULL, Eax/Rax returns the lenght of the line (in bytes) including the null-terminating character, or FALSE if the End Of File (EOF) has been reached.

: Characters <CR> and <LF> (Carriage Return and Line Feed) determine the end of a line. This method reads characters until it finds any of the following character combinations:

<CR> + <LF>
<LF> + <CR>
<CR> not followed by <LF>
<LF> not followed by <CR>

The <CR> and/or <LF> characters specify the end of a line, but they are not placed in the buffer pointed by lpszBuffer.

REMARKS: The ReadTextLine method reads a Unicode text line if the application is running as Unicode, or an ANSI text line if not (see the IsAppUnicode method). You can call ReadTextLineA to read ANSI text lines in Unicode applications, or ReadTextLineW to read Unicode text lines in ANSI applications.

When reading Unicode files, remember that the two first bytes in the file (a word) are not a Unicode character, but a code identifying the type of Unicode format (0FFFEH = little endian, 0FEFFH = big endian).

IMPORTANT: You must ensure the buffer pointed by lpszBuffer is large enough to receive the line to be read. Call this method with lpszBuffer set to NULL if you want to know how many bytes are needed to contain the next line to be read.