StringToFloat method


StringToFloat Proto lpszBuffer:LPSTR


Invoke StringToFloat, lpszBuffer


Converts a text string value to a double-precision value (Real8 or QWord).



Pointer to the effective address of the null-terminated string containing the written value to be converted.

Return value

32-bit:  The double-precision value is returned in the Edx:Eax registers.
64-bit:  The double-precision value is returned in the Rax register (also available in Xmm0 register).

REMARKS: The StringToFloat method expects lpszBuffer to be a Unicode string if the application is running as Unicode, or an ANSI string if not (see the IsAppUnicode method). You can call StringToFloatA to get the value from an ANSI string in Unicode applications, or StringToFloatW to get the value from a Unicode string in ANSI applications.

Also see the FloatToString method.