OutputString method


OutputString Proto lpszString:LPSTR, bClear:BOOL


Invoke OutputString, lpszString, bClear


Prints a null terminated text string in the output window of the Easy Code instance that launched the application calling the method.



Pointer to the effective address of the string to be printed.


Specifies whether the output window has to be cleared before printing the new string. It can be one of the following values:

FALSE    The output window will not be cleared.
TRUE      The output window will be cleared before printing the new text string.

Return value


If lpszString is NULL, or it is an empty string, the method does nothing. On the other hand, this method checks if the string pointed by lpszString ends with the end of line characters, <CR> (Carriage Return) and <LF> (Line Feed). If not, the method sends both characters to the output window immediately after of printing the string pointed by lpszString.

REMARKS: The OutputString method expects lpszString to be a Unicode string if the application is running as Unicode, or an ANSI string if not (see the IsAppUnicode method). You can call OutputStringA to print ANSI strings in Unicode applications, or OutputStringW to print Unicode strings in ANSI applications. The length of lpszString must not exceed 255 characters, otherwise it will be truncated.

IMPORTANT: For this method to work, the calling application (that is, your project) must be launched from the Easy Code IDE with the "Project => Run" menu option (or its tool bar's play button) so that the text strings are sent to the output window (Debug tab) of the Easy Code instance which launched it, otherwise it will have no effect. Also take into account that the application using this method must have Administrator rights, so if your user has the mentioned rights just run Easy Code as an Administrator, or add a Manifest to the project calling this method (the default Manifest created by Easy Code will be enough). If your user does not have Administrator rights you will have to run Easy Code as an Administrator, but then you will be asked for the Administrator password.