GetType method

Available for all objects


GetType Proto hWnd:HWND


Invoke GetType, hWnd


Gets the Type property for an object.



Handle to the object.

Return value

Eax returns the type for the object.

Possible returned values are:

ecDialogBox 1
ecMDIWindow 2
ecWindow 3
ecStatic 4
ecEdit 5
ecGroup 6
ecButton 7
ecCheck 8
ecRadio 9
ecList 10
ecCombo 11
ecPicture 12
ecImage 13
ecHScroll 14
ecVScroll 15
ecRichEdit 16
ecTreeView 17
ecListView 18
ecToolBar 19
ecStatusBar 20
ecProgressBar 21
ecSlider 22
ecTabStrip 23
ecUpDown 24
ecAnimate 25
ecIpAddress 26
ecImageCombo 27
ecCalendar 28
ecDateTime 29
ecHotKey 30
ecPager 31
ecImageList 32
ecHeader 33
ecUser 50

REMARKS: Use this method to determine the type for an object.