Style property

Available for Combo, ToolBar, StatusBar, TabStrip, ImageCombo and DateTime objects.

Read/Write at design time

Specifies the style of the object.

For Combo and ImageCombo objects, it can be one of the following values:

0 Dropdown combo Combo is editable and the list box is hidden (default)
1 Single combo Combo is editable and the list box is always displayed
2 Dropdown list Combo is not editable and the list box is hidden

For TabStrip objects, it can be one of the following values:

0 Standard Tab header looks standard (default)
1 Buttons Tab header looks like a button
2 Flat Buttons Tab header looks like a flat button

For DateTime objects, it can be one of the following values:

0 Short Date Object shows the short date (default)
1 Long Date Object shows the long date
2 Time Object only shows the time