MakeFullPath method


MakeFullPath Proto lpszPath:LPSTR, lpszFile:LPSTR


Invoke MakeFullPath, lpszPath, lpszFile


Makes the full path for lpszPath plus lpszFile. The full path is returned in lpszPath.



Pointer to the effective address of the null-terminated string for the path where the lpsFile has to be added.


Pointer to the effective address of the null-terminated string for the file to be added to lpszPath.

Return value

Eax/Rax returns a pointer to the string just after the lpszPath plus the back slash, that is, the address where lpszFile has been added. If lpszFile is NULL, or it is an empty string, just a back slash is added to lpszPath.


lpszPath = "G:\EasyCode", lpszFile = "Bin". After calling MakeFullPath, lpszPath = "G:\EasyCode\Bin".
lpszPath = "G:\EasyCode\Bin", lpszFile = "EasyCode.exe". After calling MakeFullPath, lpszPath = "G:\EasyCode\Bin\EasyCode.exe".
lpszPath = "G:\EasyCode\Bin", lpszFile = NULL (or an empty string). After calling MakeFullPath, lpszPath = "G:\EasyCode\Bin\".

REMARKS: The MakeFullPath method expects lpszPath and lpszFile to be Unicode strings if the application is running as Unicode, or ANSI strings if not (see the IsAppUnicode method). You can call MakeFullPathA if lpszPath and lpszFile are ANSI strings in Unicode applications, or MakeFullPathW if lpszPath and lpszFile are Unicode strings in ANSI applications.