HyperLink property

Available for Static objects.

Read/Write at design time

Specifies whether the object behaves like a hyperlink or just like a normal Static control. It can be one of the following values:

FALSE    The Static control behaves like a normal Static control (default).
TRUE      The Static control behaves like a hyperlink and the control procedure receives the ECM_LINKCLICKED message when the mouse left button is clicked.

When this property is set to TRUE, the HyperColor property specifies the color in which the text will be shown when the mouse hovers over the control.

: If the mouse left button is clicked when this property is set to TRUE, the control procedure will receive the ECM_LINKCLICKED message so that it can be processed by the application. If the message returns FALSE (the default return value), Easy Code takes care of processing the HyperLink by running the ShellExecute API function (you can download this HyperLink example by clicking here). On the other hand, if the application processes the message it should return TRUE for no further processing, otherwise it will be processed twice (you can download this HyperLink example by clicking here).