Easy Code Visual assembly IDE

Visual assembly Integrated Development Environment

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Easy Code - Visual assembler
(Windows 95/98/ME/NT40/2000/XP/2003/2008/Vista/7/8/8.1/10/11)

Updated on February 8, 2025

Try UASM: a powerful assembler fully compatible with JWASM
Try ASMC: another powerful assembler compatible with JWASM

Easy Code is the visual assembly programming environment made to build 32-bit/64-bit Windows applications. The Easy Code interface, looking like Visual Basic, allows you to program Windows assembler applications (executable files, dynamic and static libreries, COFF object files, console applications, NT drivers and services) done in an easy way as was never possible before. There are three available versions of Easy Code:

- Version 2.x supporting Fasm, GoAsm, JWasm, Masm, PoAsm, SolAsm and UAsm (both 32-bit/64-bit), and using different tools for the various assemblers

- Version 1.x supporting Masm (32-bit) and using the Microsoft Macro Assembler distributed with the Masm32 SDK

- Version 1.x supporting GoAsm (32-bit) and using the Jeremy Gordon's Go tools, distributed with the ECGo package, and the GoAsm Headers

- Easy Code screenshots -

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